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    Restore Resurfacing

    A noticeably younger look without surgery.

    • Fraxel® is non-invasive – no cutting, no needles
    • A single treatment or multiple treatments
    • Creates a younger, smooth, and flawless skin
    • Integrated cooling
    • Minimal downtime
    • Outstanding results without extended downtime
    • Remodels scar tissue
    Book Consultation

    From R2700

    Duration of treatment:

    120 minutes

    Recovery time:

    24 hours

    Local anaesthetic:


    Result duration:



    Reverse the effects of visible ageing with Fraxel. Re surface your entire skin and dramatically improve tone and texture.

    Fraxel works by selectively targeting areas of tissue damage with microscopic columns of fractionated laser light that reach deep into the layers of your skin while gently resurfacing your skin. The laser energy initiates a wound-healing process that prompts your skin to rebuild itself with newly formed collagen and elastin.

    As your body’s natural collagen remodeling progresses over the next few weeks, wrinkles smooth out and your skin tightens. The disordered collagen in hypertrophic areas, such as burns and scars, is loosened and replaced with healthy collagen.

    Fraxel is used in a nonablative (doesn’t remove top layer) treatment.   Fraxel’s fractionated laser energy can also be used to treat almost any skin type. Dark skin can be toned and rejuvenated without the worry of hyper- or hypopigmentation.

    Despite its high power and advanced technology, Fraxel doesn’t damage healthy skin and tissues that surround the treatment area. Other lasers use intense heat to indiscriminately vaporize the entire top layer of your skin, which can cause side effects, including pain and a deeply reddened face that can last for weeks.

    Side effects are minimal with Fraxel. After your treatment, you may have a sensation that’s equivalent to a sunburn, but this should fade within days.

    Fraxel treatments only take  minutes, its the tolipcal anaesthetic that takes time to take effect.   

    You may see a difference in your skin shortly after your treatment. Benefits also accumulate over the next weeks to months as your skin rejuvenates itself through collagen remodeling.  Collagen takes 4 months to grow.

    Even the highest grade medical skincare system that feeds your skin nutrients and antioxidants can’t make the kinds of changes that Fraxel can. Fraxel’s laser energy reaches deep into your skin to completely remodel it. Without looking fake or plastic-like, your skin will glow with health from the inside out.

    Fraxel’s changes are significantly more dramatic than those you’d get with other treatments that stimulate wound healing. Chemical peels and intense pulsed light treatments can only create mild-to-moderate improvements in your skin quality.

    Unlike injectable dermal fillers and neuromodulators, Fraxel doesn’t have to be repeated every few months but it is a great monthly treatment to stay ahead of ageing.   Not only are Fraxel’s transformations more substantial than those obtained with dermal fillers, they can last for up to several years. A Fraxel treatment today will give you better looking, healthier skin in weeks to months.

    Benefits include:

    Modifies collagen type 3 (scar tissue) to collagen type 1 (smooth)
    Lighten outer side of intimate areas
    Helps improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin
    Great treatment option for Actinic Keratosis


    Perfect for fine

    lines and wrinkles

    Helps improve acne

    and surgical scars



    Stretch mark


    Before and After

    What Our Clients Say

    I only trust Laserderm with my skin. I had severe pigmentation from the wrong treatments and product combination. I had several treatments and now have a completely clear skin. I do maintenance every 3 months to make sure I age slowly.
    When I came to Laserderm for my acne I was quite desparate, I was told that I needed to get the acne under control and then when could do Fraxel to remove the marks. I did 3 treatments and amazed at the results. My mother was even happier than me with the results.
    Acne left my face with deep pitted scars. My skin surface looked horrible. After 8 treatments, one a month I now have flawless smooth skin. The scars are gone. Thank you so my Laserderm I will be forever grateful.

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